Saturday, October 29, 2005

"Yoroshiku?" "No, Eat Shit And Suck My Balls, Japanotard."

I like meeting new people. It's a necessary evil of being part of society. Unfortunately there are several dumb fucks who just fuck it up for everyone else. Once again, Japanotards never fail to disappoint in bringing out the desire to remove them from the gene pool. Being unable to suppress their obsession with Japanese stuff, they have to insert a few random phrases here and there just to display their retardation despite the fact that no one fucking cares.

A few choice phrases:

Ohayo/Konnichiwa/Konbanwa - Why the fuck are you speaking to me in Japanese when we can communicate just fine in English?

Minna - Nope, no one cares about you. Stop trying to get attention with random Japanese phrases.

Yoroshiku - Not pleased to meet you at all, you fucking Japanotard.

Ja ne/Sayonara/Mata - Good, get the fuck away from me and play with your plastic tentacular dildos, retard.

Why do they insist on using these little phrases that most people can't understand? Because they feel that they need to advertise their preference for all things Japanese in the hopes that someone will think that it's vaguely `cool'.

Guess what: Everyone thinks you're a loser.

Why use random Japanese phrases, despite the distinct possibility that no one would understand them? Are you so inept and insecure in your use of the English language that you have to resort to something so pathetic to cover up your inadequecies?

I encourage anyone and everyone who has met a Japanotard and felt even a mild irritation to castrate them on the spot, preferably with a blunt instrument. Don't worry, you'll be doing society a favour.

I fucking hate Japanotards.

- DJnerate

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